As it is easy to cure psoriasis of the nails. The causes of the disease.

Nail psoriasis is a disease to which they may be exposed to people of any age. This disease is a result of alterations in the immune system of the body, it is chronic, there may be relapses. The development of the disease contribute to the human gene responsible for the work of the immune system of the body. But psoriasis is a disease that can be cured, and the preventive measures that prevent their development.

What is psoriasis in nails?


As the name of the disease, the outward manifestation of which are visible in a variety of damage in the surface of the nail. These may be small dimples of different diameters, erratically situated in the nails, and the detachment of the nail, which may be partial, and can give rise to the total loss of the nail surface.

The nail psoriasis of platinum accompanied by the change of its colour, can appear white spots, the nail-yellowing, sometimes it reaches up to the dark brown and even black color. If the nail psoriasis affects the blood vessels, may appear red stripes. Any change in the color of the surface of the nail should be a reason for the survey.

When the disease can occur the cavities in the nail plate. Sometimes the edge of the nail remarkably compact and exfoliated.

These symptoms require attention and prevention. If the disease psoriasis of the nails is confirmed, treatment is necessary immediately, since the same disease that will not happen, and the delay or lack of treatment can lead to serious complications.

Causes of psoriasis of the nails

The predisposition to psoriasis is a note to the people whose families suffer from similar disease. The possibility of transmission at the genetic level of this disease has a large percentage of probability, but it is not mandatory.

Sometimes psoriasis is a problem that has the people, the family members of those who were not suffering from the condition. The causes of their emergence may be other factors:

  • Factors of stress. In some patients, the onset of psoriasis occurred after they were already nervous agitation. In those moments, the body of the criticism weakened, which contributes to the development of the disease. Strong tension force to the central nervous system of switch with protective function of the organism to the recovery of the nerve cells, which leads to a weakening of the immunity, by a reaction to the stimuli of the psoriasis and the development of the disease.
  • The viral infections. The diseases are dangerous for its complications, among which the possibility of the development of psoriasis. The weakening of the body, treatment with antibiotics can trigger psoriasis of the nails. Even worse, if the infection is not treated properly, or that the treatment was not enough.
  • Hormonal disorders. Age changes in the body, treatment with medications that contain hormones, can lead to the development of psoriasis of the nails. In those moments, you must keep the body with the vitamins and be attentive to the condition of nail plates.
  • The alteration of metabolism. The reason for the occurrence of psoriasis can be the alteration of the metabolism. Pay attention to diet, try more to be outdoors, make sure of weight.
  • The inheritance. Psoriasis is a disease that can be transmitted by inheritance, but not always. If your close relatives suffer from psoriasis, pay attention to the first symptoms of its manifestation, because in the initial phase, the treatment is carried out more effectively.

At home treatment for psoriasis of the nails


If psoriasis of the nails is in its initial phase, only are visible the first signs of the manifestation of the disease, the treatment can begin in the home.

Before starting treatment, be sure to perform a diagnosis, to rule out the disease with fungicide, which by the external characteristics is very similar to psoriasis.

The treatment of psoriasis of the nail should begin "from the inside". Necessarily take vitamins that contain calcium. They can help to strengthen the structure of the surface of the nail and make it less susceptible to pathogens of the disease.

Note-complex vitamins that contribute to the normalization of metabolism. Vitamins A, b, c, E, P, which strengthen the body and improve the state of the nails. Thanks to them, in the body begin to be many necessary for its full growth of the substance.

Psoriasis is a consequence of the blown by the psychological stress "fatigue", therefore, when the combined treatment note the reception of sedatives and necessary in this state of vacation.

Will be useful baths for nails with decoctions of medicinal herbs (it is recommended chamomile, calendula, nettle, st. john's wort). Prepare the broth in the water bath, combination of herbs can be arbitrary. Lower the nails in the tray with the warm of the cooking and keep the arms 10-15 minutes until cool water. Be sure to apply on the nails of oil, and in the hand emollient cream.

Resist the manifestation of psoriasis will help to the friction, and compresses and oil (we recommend olive oil, sunflower oil, and the oil of the conifers). A small amount of oil rubbed into the nail plate before going to bed. The oil to soften the nail, enrich your work with useful substances, oil of conifers have an anti-inflammatory effect. The procedure does not require much time and that does not require cooking.

Home treatment in the initial stages of the manifestations of the disease is quite effective, but if psoriasis of the nails is in a state of neglect, in-home treatment should be carried out in combination with medications under the supervision of specialists.

The care of the nails in psoriasis

Nail psoriasis is a chronic disease, that can be repeated at all the causes of its occurrence: stress, diseases, violations in the field of nutrition. When the disease should comply with the recommendations of the doctors, alter the manifestation of the disease:

  • In case of contact with chemical goods don't forget to protect hands with gloves, since the influence of the media can cause a relapse of the disease. Enter into the composition of substances that destroy the natural structure of the surface of the nail, of relaxation, which will help you to lead to the appearance of the first signs of the disease.
  • Try to avoid injury of the surface of the nail: even a small splinter can lead to infection of the slot.
  • Care with hygiene of the hands.
  • If psoriasis of the nails has already been stated, it is not recommended to do treatments of beauty in the nails. The construction and coating of gel is strictly forbidden, since the closed of the nail plate development of the disease, not once it has been observed that can lead to complications. It is not recommended to use a decorative lacquer.
  • The nail affected by psoriasis, the better short-cut: the appearance of the nail of the sick is far from aesthetically pleasing; the sick long fingernails contribute to the development of the disease. The affected area it is better to cut.
  • Do not leave the psoriasis of the nails without a care! Be sure to cure!

Diet for psoriasis of the nails


If your nails suffer from psoriasis, you should organize your meals, so that the body receives the samples, and the food does not cause harm. The recommendations of the doctors regarding the diet, when the disease is the following:

  • Every day drink at least 8 glasses of water, excluding juice, and other beverages. The body must have the possibility to "remove" malware of the substance.
  • Eliminate from your diet products: alcohol, even with lower grades, smoked and salty, coffee, soft drinks, French fries. Do not add in the food vinegar, aromas and spices. It is recommended to replace the sugar sucrose. Not worth the soaked fruit and red berries, as they contain substances contribute to the development of the disease.
  • The maximum to increase the amount of vegetables in your diet: they contain fiber, which helps to remove toxins from the intestine.
  • Eat the meat of cow lean, liver. Avoid the smoked meat, the fat.
  • Recommend limiting the consumption of dairy products. But always eat low fat cottage cheese and a solid variety of cheese.
  • Type in the diet of legumes, which can become a side dish to lean meat or turkey.
  • Eat a porridge of cereals (flower, corn, buckwheat). It is desirable to cook not in the milk and in the water.

Curing psoriasis of the fingernails only energy you can't, but can help the body to resist the manifestation of the disease.

The causes of the relapse of psoriasis of the nails

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, and the appearance of recurrences is very possible. Cause recurrence can be any reasons: nervous tension, stress, other disease.

To avoid relapse, you must be attentive and your diet and the general state of health, and the stressful situations. Do not eat foods that may cause alterations in the digestive system. If you avoid the stressful situation is not possible, be sure to take painkilling drugs.

Vacation on the coast will help to prevent the reintroduction of the disease or to prolong the interval between relapses. The exposure to the sun, sea water and the hot sand favorably influence the state of the agency and the state of the surface of the nail.

Necessarily passes by preventive procedure: weekly do baths in the cooking of herbs, soften the skin of hands, moisturizing cream. If the visible manifestation of the disease does not occur, apply nail therapy Polish.

Psoriasis in nails cured completely difficult, but the regular prevention measures and the implementation of the recommendations can be prevent the frequent relapses and complications.